Vape battery safety tips, some rules to charge by.

Sinowatt 25SP 2500mAh Battery

Vape battery safety tips, some rules to charge by.

While all kinds of vapes come with built in safety feature it is always best to keep in mind that you should be careful with how you maintain the safety of you vape.

Rule 1: Buy modern, reputable brands for vape battery safety:

While there are laws in the UK covering battery safety, there are also devices which are sold illegally in the UK in markets and by disreputable shops. “The risks around vaping tend to come from counterfeit or faulty products, and poor charging practises…” says the London Fire Service

Rule 2: Avoid extreme heat

In summer and during heat waves, it’s worth bearing in mind that vape batteries should be kept away from direct sunlight! We personally always ensure that we store my own batteries away from radiators, direct sunlight and avoid leaving them in cars when it is hot and sunny.

Rule 3: Use the correct charger

Different chargers have different voltage outputs, and using the wrong one could damage your battery. Indeed, during the early days of vaping, using iPhone chargers for vape devices was a common cause of issues. We personally recommend plugging the USB into another device such as a computer or a gaming console, the reason for this is that they output a smaller amount of amps ensuring not to put any strain on your battery.

Rule 4: Try not to leave your vape batteries unattended

It’s tempting to leave your battery charging while you pop out or even while you sleep, but this is strictly against best practice.

It’s true that the overwhelming majority of the time, you won’t run into an issue.

But in the unlikely event that you do have a problem during charging, if you leave your battery unattended, you won’t be there to deal with it.

I tend to charge my own batteries while I am at work (one is charging as I write this!), but any time you are sitting down and keeping half an eye on your device is good!

Rule 5: Charge your batteries safely away from flammable materials

The best place to charge your battery is on a hard surface. A kitchen worktop is ideal, but a hard wooden table is also fine! Always avoid charging on or near flammable materials.

This includes carpets – while issues are rare, I have seen several incidents where a carpet has been singed after this advice was ignored.

Rule 6: Keep your batteries dry and and dispose of water damaged ones

Water-damaged batteries have a far greater chance of going wrong and causing a problem.

So, if your battery falls into, or gets saturated with water, and it’s not designed to be waterproof, don’t use it. Take it to a recycling station.

Rule 7: Take care with loose external batteries

DO NOT USE BATTERIES WITH BROKEN BATTERY WRAPS! (the protective plastic coating). These wraps protect the metal interior from shorting out on the inside of your mod. It’s important to only use batteries with in-tact wraps. Even using a battery with a small nick on the wraps is a big risk.

DON’T CARRY VAPE BATTERIES LOOSE IN YOUR POCKET! If you use a device with replaceable batteries, you may keep spares. However, you should never walk around with loose batteries in your pocket. These can short out when they come in to contact with keys, coins or other metal objects.

Ideally, they should be carried in a dedicated battery case.

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